MES (Manufacturing Execution System)

SMT Line

Sortation Computer Equipment Role Tracking Target Note
- Barcode Reader
- Started Production
- Inter-Lock
- Metal Mask, Squeegee
- prevention of misapplication
- Observe solder usage time
- Production start history
- Metal mask, Squeegee, Solder change history
- Inter-Lock history
- Calculate Metal mask, Squeegee Usage
- SPI Vision Camera
- Save the Test Result log - PCB Panel S/N
- Inspection result (OK/NG)
- Save Detailed results
Mounter - PC (MES)
- Save the Mount History Log
- Prevention of Misapplication
- Calculate material requirements
- History Prevention of Misapplication
- Check Material Requirements
(Mounted /loss amount)
- Save Detailed results
W/T - PC (MES)
- Barcode Reader
- Inter-Lock Device
- PCB Mounting material matching
- Collection SPI,AOI Log Data
- Inter-Lock to SPI NG or untested PCB
- PCB Board S/N
- PCB Mounted Materials
- History Inter-Lock
- AOI Vision Camera
- Save the Test Result log - PCB Board S/N
- Inspection Result (OK,NG DATA ,NG material Data)
- Save Detailed results

SET Line

Sortation Computer Equipment Role Tracking Target
Manual Ass’y & 1’st Function Test - Notebook / Printer
- Scanner
- Started Production / Board Barcode Input
- Board Barcode &Temporary Label Matching
- Attach Temporary Label
- Production start history
- Defect in preceding process
- Skip Process History
GPS - Notebook
- Scanner
- Started Production
- Input Temporary Label Barcode
- Production start history
- Defect in preceding process
- Skip Process History
AGING - Notebook
- Wireless Scanner
- Started Production
- Input Temporary Label Barcode
- Initialization
- Production start history
- Defect in preceding process
- Skip Process History
Final Inspection - Notebook
- Scanner
- Started Production
- Input Temporary Label Barcode
- Temporary / Real Label Matching
- Attach Real Label
- Production start history
- Defect in preceding process
- Skip Process History
OQC - Notebook
- Wireless Scanner
- Make LOT
- Sampling Inspection
- OQC Histoy